Sewable electronics / Miscelania

Sewable electronics / Miscelania

Susanna Tesconi y Paula Rodríguez (Frikids)
Sábado 11, Domingo 12 y sábado 18 de Mayo de 10.30 a 14.30h

The activity is addressed to people and professionals interested in achieve the basics of sewable electronics. During the workshop starting from simple patterns will learn to sew circuits, to embed sensors and actuators in textiles and to program their behaviour. Arduino LilyPad is a microcontroller board designed to be embedded in the clothes and textile electronic. It can be sewed to the cloth and, combined with batteries, sensors and devices of interaction with conductive thread. We will be able to realise and program devices Smart Textiles like musical instruments, interactive curtains, hats, pieces that light up according to environmental changes etc.


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